Saturday, 17 October 2015

Pumpkins and Baking

Carved a pumpkin last night just in time for Halloween—well, 2 weeks early but I like to get ahead of things and I had some free time…

Anyway, I have always liked making jack o lantern’s, and prefer to make my pumpkins especially scary. I won’t offer any step by step instructions because I’m sure you all know how to carve a pumpkin BUT here are some pictures of the process:

Since, we are on the subject of pumpkins, I thought I should also share offer recipes for roasting pumpkin seeds, and baking pumpkin (or butternut squash) pies.

I’m not one to waste food—which I am sure you already gathered from my banana bread post—so I definitely wanted to utilise my pumpkin in a few ways. I know the recipe is called pumpkin pie, but you can use any kind of squash. I used Butternut Squash because that's what I had laying around.

I was always under the impression that one should make a pumpkin pie with sugar pumpkins only. We don’t have them here in the UK (or at least to my knowledge), so I went with butternut squash instead. Tasted just as good as pumpkin and I was even able to make 2 pies with just one medium sized squash.

Recipes after the JUMP

Recipe 1: Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
recipe from Jamie Oliver

Supplies and Ingredients
Pumpkin seeds
Olive Oil
Spices (I used Salt and Chilli Flakes)
Baking tray
Aluminium Foil


  • Preheat your oven to 180C/350F
  • Assuming you have all carved your pumpkin already, separate seeds from pumpkin flesh and put them in a sieve

  • Thoroughly rinse and drain the seeds
  • Spread your seeds on a baking tray (I prefer to use aluminium foil because it is easier to wash your tray afterwards). In any case, sprinkle with olive oil and add your spices

  • Mix together so the seeds are well coated. Bake in the oven for about 10 minutes or until seeds are golden.
  • Let cool, and store in a tupperware or any airtight container.
I pretty much ate the whole batch-they were delicious
Recipe 2: Pumpkin Pie
recipe from BBC Good Food

Makes 2, 9 inch pies

1 9 Inch pie pan
1 Pot
Pie Weights (or dried beans)
Measuring Spoons
Big bowl
Wax paper

1 Jus Rol Short crust sheet (leave to stand in room temperature 45 minutes before using)
1 medium Sugar Pumpkin or Butternut Squash
plain flour, for dusting
140g sugar (about ½ cup)
½ tsp salt
½ tsp fresh nutmeg, grated
1 tsp cinnamon
2 eggs, beaten
25g butter, melted (about 1/8 cup)
175ml milk (about ¾ cup)


  • Peal, de-seed, and roughly chop your pumpkin or butternut squash.
  • Place the pumpkin/squash in a large pot, cover with water and bring to the boil. Remove when pieces are tender—about 15-20 minutes. Drain and let cool.
  • Preheat oven to 180C/365F
  • For simplicity’s sake I will not include a step by step guide of blind baking the crust, because I explain it in detail in my Apple Crumble recipe. Roll out the pastry, place it in pie pan and blind bake. Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly.
  • Increase oven to 220C/428F
  • Mash the cooled pumpkin/squash, and then push through a sieve into a large bowl. I’m not going to lie, this part was VERY time consuming and annoying, BUT it’s worth it if you want a smooth and creamy filling.
  • In a separate bowl, combine the sugar, salt, nutmeg and half of the cinnamon.
  • Then add both of your eggs, melted butter, and milk. Beat until everything is thoroughly combined.
  • Add your pumpkin/squash purée and stir to combine.
  • Pour into the tart shell and cook for 10 mins. Reduce the temperature to 180C/365F, and continue to bake for 35-40 minutes, or until your filling has set.
  • Leave to cool. Finally, remove the pie from the tin, and dust over remaining cinnamon (and powdered sugar) over the pie. Serve chilled.

I hope you guys enjoyed the recipes! Be sure to let me know if you have tried any of them out. Also, let me know if there is a specific one you want me to try out next time.

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