Thursday, 7 April 2016

Orange Muffins

 Just a simple recipe for Orange Muffins, because my fridge is filled with fresh oranges.
If you find this too simple, you can also add some chocolate chips or even fruit to your batter

And if you love everything orange flavoured, be sure to check out my delicious Orange Poundcake with Orange Glaze

Simple Orange Muffins

Recipe from
Makes 12 muffins

1 Orange, quartered and seeds removed + zest
1⁄2 cup Orange Juice, 118 ml
1 Egg
½ cup Butter, 113 g
1 ¾ cups Flour, 219 g
3⁄4 cup Sugar, 150 g
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 tsp Baking Soda

1. Preheat oven to 200C/400F and grease a muffin tin (or use liners).
2. Put the orange slices, juice, and zest in a blender; blend until pureed.
3. Cream sugar and softened butter; then add the egg, and continue to beat until fully incorporated.
4. In a bowl, sift flour and leavening agents, and then add to wet mixture. Then pour in orange puree and stir with a spatula until combined.
5. Pour batter into muffin tops, about 3/4 full.

6. Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven; let stand in tin for 5 minutes before removing muffins and placing them on wire rack.  


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